Call for proposals: Romanian Studies Conference, April 4 and 5, 2014, Indiana University

On April 4th-5th, 2014, the Romanian Studies Organization at Indiana University will host its seventh annual interdisciplinary conference. This year, the prominent historian Keith Hitchins of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign ( will deliver the keynote address in conjunction with the launch of his newest book, „A Concise History of Romania” (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
We welcome proposals from graduate students and recent PhDs on any topic related to Romania, Moldova, or the Romanian diaspora, in any discipline or methodology. Past panels have included: „Landscapes of Heritage in Romania,” „Politicizing Ethnicity: Individual and Collective Identities,” „Agency and Authenticity under Socialism,” and „The Pain of Transition: Continuities and Changes between Regimes.” We especially encourage interdisciplinary approaches, but we regularly accept papers from historians, political scientists, economists, sociologists, anthropologists, linguists, literary critics, and musicologists.
The conference will be scheduled to allow participation in a number of complementary events at Indiana University that same weekend, including the Roundtables on Post-Communism, the Hungarian Studies Conference, and musical performances by Nicolae Feraru and his „taraf.” Mr. Feraru was recently honored for his musical achievements as National Heritage Fellow by the National Endowment for the Arts (
Please submit abstracts of 250-300 words, along with your contact information and a brief biography, to by January 20th, 2014. Please submit abstracts in .doc file format rather than .docx or .pdf. We will send notifications by February 3rd.

Any inquiries about the conference may be directed to the Indiana University Romanian Studies Organization at
Please forward this request for proposals to anyone who might be interested.

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